Artikel (ENGLISCHSPRACHIGE Publikationen) - Articles (ENGLISH Publications) - Articoli (Pubblicazioni in INGLESE)
Hegel's Concept of the Cosmic Body and the Absolute Reflections on the Written and Unwritten Body Based on the Science of Logic
Kurt Appel
in: Rebekka A. Klein / Calvin D. Ullrich (Eds.), The Unthinkable Body. Challenges of Embodiment in Religion, Politics, and Ethics.
Religion in Philosophy and Theology 130
Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen 2024, 195-220
A Call for Openness
Kurt Appel
in: William T. Cavanaugh / Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez / Ikenna Ugochukwu Okafor / Daniel Frankling E. Pilario (Eds.), Fratelli Tutti. A Global Commentary
Studies in World Catholicism, Volume 13: Oregon 2024, 111-119
Eternity Between Space and Time.
From Consciousness to the Cosmos
Ines Testoni / Fabio Scardigli / Andrea Tolino / Gabriele Gionti
DeGruyter: Berlin/Boston 2024
Among others with contributions from Roger Penrose, Gerard 't Hooft and Massimo Cacciari
Contribution by Kurt Appel: The Eighth Day. Biblical Time as Openness of Chronological Times, 163-172
Recognition, Irony, and Faith
Kurt Appel
in: Pavol Bargár / Peter Jonkers (Eds.), The Faith and Beliefs of "Nonbelievers"
Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series VIII, Christian Philosophical Studies, Volume 24
The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy: Washington 2024, 151-162
Among others with contributions from Charles Taylor, Grace Davie, José Casanova u.a.
Catholic Theology, Church and Global Culture Today
Crises, Perspectives, Tasks
Kurt Appel / Jakob Deibl / Isabella Guanzini / Marcello Neri
in: ET-Studies 14/2 (2023), 223-240, peer reviewed
DOI: 10.2143/ETS.14.2.3292208
Divine Providence, Theodicy, Freedom and the Essence of Time
Kurt Appel
in: Concilium 2023/3, International Journal of Theology: London 2023, 32-40
Christianity and a New Humanism: Historical-Theoretical and Theological Reflections on the Bible, Hegel, and Musil
in: K. Appel (Ed.), In Praise of Mortality. Christianity as a New Humanism. Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas and Carl Raschke
Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society - Supplement, Volume 1
Brill Schöningh: Paderborn 2022, 1-33
The Price of Prayer
in: K. Appel (Ed.), In Praise of Mortality. Christianity as a New Humanism. Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas and Carl Raschke
Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society - Supplement, Volume 1
Brill Schöningh: Paderborn 2022, 141-173
The Self-Evidence of Illusion. Alternative Truth by Schelling and the Gospel of Mark 16:1-8
Kurt Appel / Helmut Jakob Deibl (Eds.)
in: Cornelia Richter (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (JRaT)
Special Issue: The Illusion of the Obvious, On Truth and Reliability in Times of Crisis
Band 8, Ausgabe 1 (Juli 2022)
Brill Schöningh: Paderborn 2022, 108-132
in: Kurt Appel (Ed.), In Praise of Mortality. Christianity as a New Humanism. Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas and Carl Raschke, Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Issue 20.2 (Spring 2021), Whitestone Publishing: Stonewood 2021, 184-186 (peer reviewed)
Christianity and a New Humanism: Historical-Theoretical and Theological Reflection on the Bible, Hegel, and Musil
in: Kurt Appel (Ed.), In Praise of Mortality. Christianity as a New Humanism. Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas and Carl Raschke, Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Issue 20.2 (Spring 2021), Whitestone Publishing: Stonewood 2021, 187-207 (peer reviewed)
The Price of Prayer
in: Kurt Appel (Ed.), In Praise of Mortality. Christianity as a New Humanism. Translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas and Carl Raschke, Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Issue 20.2 (Spring 2021), Whitestone Publishing: Stonewood 2021, 281-301 (peer reviewed)
Reform and Renewal in Local Churches: Lessons from Rosmini and Pope Francis
Kurt Appel
in: S. Chu Ilo / N. Nonterah / I. Otu (Ed.), Faith in Action. Volume 1: Reform, Mission and Pastoral Renewal in African Catholicism Since Vatican II. With a foreword by Sithembele Sipuka
Pickwick Publications: Oregon 2020, 75-95 (peer reviewed)
ISBN: 9781725293930
Biblical Traces of the Guest
Kurt Appel
in: Brigitte Buchhammer (Hg.), Re-Learning to be Human in Global Times. Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspective of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series VI, Western European Philosophical Studies Volume 12
Washington 2019, 5-16
Revised Version of "Biblische Spuren des Gastes", in: B. Liebsch, M. Staudigl (Hg.), Umrisse eines Ethos europäischer Gastlichkeit, Velbrück, Weilerswist 2016, 411-422
The Border of Borders. Christianity and the Rethinking of Public Space
Kurt Appel
Ferdinand Schöningh: Göttingen 2019, 514-528 (peer reviewed)
German revised Version: "Die Grenze der Grenzen. Christentum, Abrahamitische Religionen, Zivilgesellschaft und die Neubestimmung des öffentlichen Raums in Europa", in: I. Klissenbauer / F. Gassner / P. Steinmair-Pösel / P.G. Kirchschläger (Hg.); Menschenrechte und Gerechtigkeit als bleibende Aufgaben. Beiträge aus Religion, Theologie, Ethik, Recht und Wirtschaft. V&R unipress: Göttingen 2020, 107-121
The Testament of Time - The Apocalypse of John and the recapitulatio of Time according to Giorgio Agamben
Kurt Appel
De Gruyter: Berlin 2019, 293-318
Revised Version of "Die Wahrnehmung des Freundes in der Messianität des Homo sacer"; translated by Brita Pohl and Christian Pössel, revised by Kurt Appel and Veronika Wieser
Critiques of Master-Representations: The Political Dimension of the Canon between the Bible and the Qur'an
Kurt Appel
V&R unipress: Göttingen 2018, 14-39 (peer reviewed)
Translated by Patrick Eldridge, revised by Daniel Minch Jr. and Kurt Appel
Desacralisation as the Sanctification of the Church. Rosmini's Diagnosis of the Plagues of the Church and their Topicality
Rosmini Studies 5 (2018), 49-61 (peer reviewed)
Translation of "Entsakralisierung als Heiligung der Kirche", translated by Philipp Schlögl, Natalie Eder and Kurt Appel
About the possibility that Pope Francis Really Exists
Kurt Appel
Louvain Studies 40 (2017), 197-200
The Essence of Europe Consists in Pointing Beyond Itself
Kurt Appel
in: International Journal of Philosophy and Theologiy (RJPT) 2016